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jackrandom42 Profilové údaje

Searching The Galaxy For My Co-Captain
Věk 54 z Visalia, California - Online - Před 2 týdny
Muž Hledám A Žena


Sebe bych popsal(a) jako  
I am looking for a woman who is very much like me in things we both enjoy doing and outlook on life.

I would want her to introduce me to the hobbies that she enjoys and her interests...who knows...maybe ill find something i like that i didn't realize before. :-)

I would love to find a Trekkie girl but those are hard to come by so ill just watch it by myself if i have to. :-P

A woman who likes to be outdoors (camping, fishing, hiking, etc...) at least as much as indoors...going for a walk or going to an amusement ride to....who long as we are together. :-) Lets pack up a tent and the two of us spend a weekend in the mountains together.

I am very affectionate and touchy feely with my partner. I am also very respectful and know how to treat a woman. I believe in opening doors for her whenever I can. I like to occasionally send flowers to her and send her nice texts during the day and call her as often as she is able to...just to hear her voice.

I do enjoy watching/playing sports but if you do not enjoy it i would not subject you to it. I mainly love baseball (GO DODGERS!! if you are a giants fan that's ok too...a nice partner rivalry can be fun...especially if we make interesting bets) but i enjoy football (Cowboys)/hockey/basketball (Lakers)also....if you like a sport i didn't mention....ask me and i'll tell ya if i like it. :-)

I want to find a woman who enjoys spending a lot of time doing things we enjoy....together.. Also a woman who is not afraid of public displays of affection such as holding hands...hugging...kissing and things like that. I absolutely LOVE kissing. ;-) I have always been told i am a great kisser.

I am also a cuddle-o-holic :-)

My interests:

Books: mainly i enjoy audiobooks (Graphic Audio productions are my favorite) since i drive a lot. Sci-Fi are my favorite.

Movies and TV: Mainly Sci-Fi like Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, Lexx, Dr. Who BSG, Stargate, Andromeda...Babylon 5...etc..I also enjoy superhero (DC and Marvel) movies and tv shows...comedies.(Big Bang Theory is a favorite)...sci-fi/history channel...old cartoons from the 30-80s..action/adventure and sometimes even a chick flick if its with my special someone. We can cuddle up and watch together. I can't guarantee we will see the whole thing though as i really enjoy cuddling and making out while watching tv...but that's what pause/rewind are for.:-) Oh and..NO HORROR MOVIES!!

Music: Led Zeppelin is my favorite band but i like all classic rock, 80s music and even a lil country at times. I DO NOT like rap or r&b but a few of the classic 80s rap songs are ok..If my partner likes to slow dance to some r&b with me then i'll make an exception. I enjoy listening to Old Time Radio shows such as Jack Benny, Abbott and Costello...and many more..

Food: I like most foods but Mexican and Chinese are probably my 2 favorites..I have never had Indian food but would love to try it sometime..i enjoy trying new dishes.

Games: I like all kinds of games such as board games, card games and video games. If i find an awesome woman who doesn't play games and has other ideas of things for us to do together then my video gaming days might be numbered, I would give it up because i would rather spend time with her. :-)

If you like what you have read and think we may hit it off...send me a message....even if its just a hello. :-)

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je  
Má výška je  
1,78 m
Barva mých očí  
Můj původ je  
Můj rodinný stav je  
Žijící odděleně
Mám děti  
Chci děti  
Mou nejlepší částí je  
Barva mých vlasů  
Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených  
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat  


Má úroveň vzdělání je  
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je  
Na plný úvazek
Mé zaměření je  
Název mého zaměstnání je  
S domácími mazlíčky
Vše je v klidu
Jsem kuřák  
Ano - ve společnosti


Na střední škole jsem byl/a  
Klaun třídy
Mé společenské chování je  
Komické, Flirtující, Přátelská osoba, Opatrné
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou  
Umění a řemesla, Kempování, Počítače, Vaření, Stravování, Internet, Hry, Filmy, Hudba, Hraní karet, Rodina, Sportovní, Divadlo, Cestování, TV
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je  
Jít na koncert, Jít do muzea, Hraní video her, Čtení knihy, Relax, Zůstat doma, Filmy, Vyzkoušet nové věci, TV
Moji přátelé mě popisují jako  
Přátelská osoba, Potrhlý, Flirtující


Mé náboženství je  
Žádné náboženství
Můj smysl humoru je  
Chytrý, Přátelská osoba, Potrhlý, Groteskní, Prostopášná osoba


V TV vždy sleduji  
Kreslené filmy/seriály, Situační komedie, Filmy, Sportovní, Reprízy
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji  
Akční, Science fiction, Komedie, Dokumentární, Rodina, Animované
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám  
Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu  
Komické, Fantasy, Fikce, Science fiction


Co považuješ za atraktivní?  
Troufalost, Empatii, Koketnost, Dobrý vzhled, Skvělé dovednosti, Humor, Inteligenci, Zvláštnosti, Citlivost, Spontánnost, Ohleduplnost, Důvtip
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?  