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HiFi30 Profilové údaje

Greetings Earthlings!
Věk 42 z Souderton, Pennsylvania - Online - Před 2 týdny
Žena Hledám A Muž


Angličtina, Jiné
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extratrestrial and not very good at spelling. and when they asked for languges they for got to ask if you speak Klingon damit! I only know one word though so never mind. hhmm vulcan would be fun to learn. I'm going as a Bajoran Kai to nest years NJ con. and in case you havent figured it out im the one on the left. my humor can be very dry at times, so red alert in the humor department. right now times are tough, I have a part time gig as a cashier, now i said cashier not Bashir! dream job s to design aliens for Star Trek, or publish my novel.